11 Innovative and Totally Fun Book Club Ideas

11 Innovative and Totally fun Book Club Ideas

Looking for ideas to make your book club more fun and upbeat? Whether you want to make a great first impression with a new book club or you need to dust off the cobwebs in your existing book club, these 11 ideas are sure to spice it up!

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The basics of running or belonging to a book club seem pretty simple at first. A book is chosen, everyone reads it, and then there’s a gathering, either in-person or virtual, to discuss it. The challenging part is choosing a great book club book and keeping the meetings at the sweet spot between not too intense and not yawn-inducing. 

That’s where these 11 fun ideas come in handy. With a little extra prep to ensure a good time is had by all, your book club can be an enjoyable experience. And when you’re having fun, you and your book-loving friends will likely stick with your book club.

What are Fun Book Club Ideas for your next meeting?

From choosing books based on a theme to fun book club meeting ideas, in-person or virtual, to put everyone at ease enough to participate in great discussions, these 11 ideas will surely make your book club anything but boring.

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1. Choose a Book Club Theme

A theme can add a whole new level of fun and creativity to your book club experience. And it can help narrow down your book choices.

Here are a few theme ideas to get you inspired!

  • Pick a specific genre as your theme, such as mystery, science fiction, or historical fiction. You could even go a step further and choose a sub-genre within a larger genre, like dystopian fiction or cozy mysteries.
  • You can base your book selections on a specific time period or setting. For example, you could focus on books set in a particular decade, country, or fictional world, transporting your book club members to different places and times.
  • If you’re feeling adventurous, why not try a theme based on book formats? You could have a month dedicated to graphic novels, poetry collections, or even interactive books.
  • For a more interactive experience, consider choosing a theme that involves activities related to the books you’re reading. For example, if you’re reading a mystery novel, you could host a murder mystery party or a detective-themed scavenger hunt. This can make your book club meetings even more engaging and memorable.

Plus, the theme can help with deciding which books your book club will select. This theme can give your book club the direction it needs to find great books.

Not sure where to start? Check out my post on “What Makes a Great Book Club Book?” to help you choose your book club’s next selection!

2. Do a Reading Challenge 

Double up on your reading goals! Your book club can participate in a reading challenge. Many reading challenges provide curated book lists to narrow down your choice of books. The best part of having your book club participate in a challenge is that you won’t have to go it alone. You’ll gain each other’s support and accountability to keep reading and meeting those goals.

If you’re looking for a challenge, my monthly Reading Challenge may be perfect for your book club. Sign up for monthly book lists based on fun and interesting themes. 

3. Follow a Celebrity Book Club

Sometimes taking the “lazy” approach is super smart. Let the celebrities and the well-qualified people they hire lay the groundwork for you. Make your book club its own fan club of a certain celebrity reader. Then you’ll have access to great book recommendations, online meetings, and resources. It’s a win-win! 

Check out my Celebrity Book Club Booklist for great finds!

4. Travel Around the World in a Book

Who needs a passport when you have the power of storytelling to whisk you away to far-off lands, exotic cultures, and thrilling adventures? From the iconic streets of Paris to the Outback of Australia, there’s a book out there for every wanderlust-filled soul.

The best part? You can embark on these literary journeys with your book club buddies, sharing in the excitement of discovering new worlds together.

And, you’ll get the added bonus of planning themed menus or activities based on the book’s setting. Imagine whipping up some delicious Bellinis for an Italian-themed novel or playing island music as you discuss a romantic comedy set in Hawaii. The possibilities are as endless as the pages of your next read!

Looking for your next travel book to take your book club places? I’ve curated page-turners that will transport you to different corners of the globe without ever leaving your cozy reading nook.

Check out 17 Books That Take You Places and the Best Travel Books That’ll Inspire Wanderlust for book selection picks!

5. Read the Classics

Instead of trying to keep up with new releases, consider returning to classics like The Great Gatsby, Pride and Prejudice, The Catcher and the Rye, or Little Women, to name a few. Perhaps you’ve read these titles in high school or college. It’s interesting to reread them at your, ahem, mature age and note how your perspective has changed. 

6. Read a Series

It’s so gratifying to get into a good series of books. You get to know the characters more in-depth and enjoy the continuation of the story. By choosing a series, your book club will have a ready-made lineup of books for the next several meetings. 

See my post, 15 Best Book Series for Adults to Read Now, for great book series recommendations.

7. Books to Read and Watch

Choose books that have been or will soon be made into movies, TV series, or plays. Before you meet with your book club, you may want to ensure that nearly everyone has read and watched the book.

Or you can schedule a movie viewing as part of your book club meeting. Watch it on this gorgeous frame TV that displays artwork when it’s not in use—very classy!

Then, be prepared to debate which was better—the movie/series or the book? And look forward to playing the director and the casting director as you discuss how well the book was portrayed. 

See my post, Best Books That Are Movies (to Read & Watch This Year!), for an entertaining list of seven new movies based on books, books that inspired Academy Award nominations, and the top 25 books that inspired the best movies of all time!

8. Everyone Picks Their Own Book

Sometimes squabbling or endlessly stressing over which book to read as a group isn’t worth it. In this case, have everyone read a book from their own bookshelf.

When your book club meets, it becomes like a potluck of books. You may learn of a new title you want to read next, or perhaps some of your members want to do an old-school book swap. 

For great deals and book recommendations, check out my shop on Bookshop.org. Or, get free shipping when you join the Millionaire’s Club at Books-A-Million.

Shop top trending titles only at Booksamillion.com

9. Books, Beverages, and Bites

Whether you travel around the world in a book or choose books purely based on their food and beverage choices, this theme is always a crowd-pleaser.  It’s always easier to get the conversation about your selected book flowing when the drinks are also flowing. Plus, delicious bites to eat put everyone at ease enough to share their thoughts. 

For food ideas, consider selecting a cookbook for your book club selection. While you won’t get into conversations about plot twists, you can cover whether the recipes are easy to follow and debate about the layout or style of the book.

Sometimes a book hails from a certain time period known for its style in cocktails. For example, if your book club goes with a classic like The Great Gatsby, you may prepare or share the recipe online for a classic cocktail like a gin fizz. Or, if your book is set in Italy, prepare or share recipes for a delicious meal paired with a great wine or a Bellini (check out my TikTok tutorial). 

The "Until Next Sunday" Bellini
The “Until Next Sunday” Bellini
(check out my TikTok tutorial)

10. Location

Choose your book club books based on location inspo! Remember, you don’t have to sit in your home to host a book club meeting, whether virtual or in person. Switching up the location keeps your meetings fresh and exciting.

Get creative with the location. If your book selection has scenes in a coffee shop, have your book club meet or zoom in from a local coffee shop. You can also take your book club on the road and visit the location where your book selection is set. Or, keep it simple and take the meeting outside to a park on a beautiful day. 

No matter where your unusual location exists, make sure it’s comfortable and manageable for your book club members. If you’re meeting in person, keep it local or provide transportation for farther away places. Also, make sure there’s enough seating for each member. 

Virtual book clubs can use location by having the host share a video feed from your book’s unique location. Or, even easier, you can use zoom backgrounds to give the appearance of, for example, sitting on the same tropical beach featured in your book club’s selected novel. 

If you decide “there’s no place like home” for your book club meeting, check out my post on cozy reading accessories. These adorable little bowls are a must for setting out snacks for your book club friends.

11. Prep Interesting Discussion Questions

Some books provide their own discussion questions, but that doesn’t mean you can’t veer off the script. Great discussion questions are at the heart of an engaging and worthwhile book club meeting. So, come prepared with some questions of your own, or ask each member to choose one question they most want to discuss. 

Plus, discussion questions don’t always have to be about the selected book. If you want to make your book club less intimidating and more personable, play a game. Something as simple as answering rapid-fire questions about book preferences or silly questions can help break the ice. Games can also help your book club members get to know each other better.

Final Thoughts for Fun Book Club Ideas

I hope these 11 fun book club ideas have sparked some inspiration for your next get-together! Whether you’re into themed meetings, outdoor adventures, or cozy nights in, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Remember, the most important thing is connecting with friends over a shared love of reading and good conversation. So grab a book, gather your friends, and let the fun begin! Happy reading!

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Audry Fryer is an author and professional freelance writer from Pennsylvania. Formerly a teacher, Audry wrote her first novel while her toddler son and twin babies napped. As her children have grown into teenagers, she has continued to expand her writing career. Audry lives with her family and a pug named Pickles in a quiet corner of Southeastern PA.
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