These quick, smart, and easy psychological tips for completing a reading challenge will give you the edge to succeed!
Reading challenges are a great way to set a reading goal for yourself and make a new reading habit. But, let’s face it, as soon as you decide you’re all in, you might as well place a welcome mat for all the obstacles that will surely assemble like a flash mob.
That’s why these 12 tips for completing a reading challenge are here for you! These quick and easy psychological and practical hacks will help you start reading and keep reading.
While life getting in the way is inevitable, you can still complete a reading challenge. And the best place to start is to ask yourself this question…
Why should I do a reading challenge?
It’s quite a commitment and a bit of an undertaking to read several books in a year. But the benefits you’ll gain from the regular reading habit you’ll likely to develop make it so worth it.
Did you know reading every day can make you smarter, more relaxed, and better at making conversation? It’s true. There are so many scientific and psychological benefits to a regular reading habit. And the best way to read often is to do a reading challenge!
If you’re wondering if a reading challenge is for you, check out 22 Reasons Why You Should Do a Reading Challenge.
Now that you know your “why,” make sure to keep reminding yourself of it. Aiming to achieve even one of the many benefits of reading can give you the necessary motivation to get started and complete a reading challenge.
Secret Reading Challenge Tip: Make a Plan, Not a Resolution
Recently, I read how people were getting away from making resolutions. And it makes sense that declaring a bold resolution ultimately sets you up for a fail. When the promise you make to yourself meets your everyday reality, that well-intentioned resolution doesn’t have a chance.
The same holds for a reading challenge. Resolving to read a certain number of books in one year may not sound too difficult. Then, your life suddenly gets crazy busy, and you’re still on the second chapter of that first book – ugh!
The secret is to make a plan, not a resolution. It’s the difference between a statement (aka a resolution) that can blow away with the slightest breeze and a sturdy support structure (otherwise known as a plan) that’s there for you when the weather turns ugly.
So, what’s the plan? I’ve put together these 12 tips for completing a reading challenge to guide you through the obstacles you’ll most likely encounter during a reading challenge so you can plan for success!
12 Tips to Help You Declare Reading Challenge Victory

1. Ditch Distractions
Eliminate distractions – you’ll thank me later. Sure, life happens, but getting interrupted while you’re reading can be so frustrating! You’re just about to find out the big plot twist, and your notification chime pings on your phone, or someone needs your attention right now. Aaack!
Lock the door, turn off your phone, wear noise-canceling headphones … you get the picture. Do whatever you need to do, to stay inside the world created by what you’re reading. Otherwise, you’ll be rereading that chapter over again or asking, “Wait, who’s this character?”
2. Prioritize Time for Reading
Figure out a time each day that you can dedicate just for your reading pleasure. Maybe it’s during your lunch break or early in the morning on the weekends, or right before bed. Mark it on your calendar app and stick to it!
And make time to read. There are people out there who read more than 100 books a year. When asked how they do it, most of these reading “pros” replied that they use whatever time they have available. And that means inevitably choosing reading over going down the social media rabbit hole.
3. Bring Your Book with You Wherever You Go
Discovering where you like to read goes hand in hand with what time you like to read. Do you prefer to read at home or on the go? Do you only read when you’re away, or do you prefer your own outdoor space?
Here’s a pro tip – when you know what works for you, make sure you have your book/ebook/audio along with you while you’re there. It may seem obvious, but a little prepping sets you up for getting in some extra reading time.
4. Get Comfortable
When you’re comfortable, you’ll read longer. After discovering your ideal reading location, it’s time to make that space as comfy as possible.
Invest in pillows, a blanket, or why stop there? Install a cushioned window seat if you’re so inclined. And if you read on the go or outside, make sure you have what you need, from a top-notch camp chair to prescription sunglasses to bug spray.
5. It’s Not How You Read, It’s That You Read
Reading is reading, even if you’re clicking through pages or listening. Stay with me here, people. The point is no matter how you take on the contents of a book – page by page, click by click, or play by play – it all counts.
What’s important is to read in a way that works for you. If you can only “read” when you’re driving to and from work, by all means, go audible! On the other hand, if your tablet or phone has your book loaded on it, you’ll always have your book at the ready. Or, if the feel of a real book or going to a bookstore or library suits you, there are certainly advantages to going OG with a physical book.
6. Choose Books that Spark Joy
If you want to read more, it helps to know which genres and authors appeal most to your personality. When you like what you’re reading, you’ll read more often.
Of course, that doesn’t mean limiting yourself to never trying a new genre or author. Most reading challenges offer a wide variety of genres, authors, and selections. Why not try some experimenting to expand your reading interests? You may be surprised.
Or, perhaps, it may result in not finishing a book. Keep in mind; there’s no shame in giving up on a book that’s lost your interest. Remember, the goal of doing a reading challenge is for sheer joy, enjoyment, entertainment, and inspiration. If the book you’re reading doesn’t tick those boxes, move on to one that does.
7. Mind Your Book Budget
Purchasing several books in a year can add up, especially if you’re buying bestsellers in hardback versions. Fortunately, if you’re willing to be a little creative, it’s relatively simple to save money or spend no money at all on this reading challenge (and the inevitable reading addiction that’s sure to follow).
Of course, lending books from a library is an excellent no-cost option for real books. Also, consider thrift book shops.
And, for ebooks and audible, consider downloading a freebie or reduced-price book. Authors often run these deals when they want to expand their readership and become better known. Plus, there are thrifty online ebook sites worth checking out to save some serious cash.
8. Celebrate Along the Way
It doesn’t matter if it’s a reading challenge or any challenging goal; incentives are a must. An entire year is a long time to keep up your enthusiasm. Life can and will find every possible way to derail you from your well-intentioned reading goals.
That’s where incentives and mini-celebrations come in! Make sure you congratulate yourself even if you read for ten minutes and fall asleep. Any bit of progress counts.
And, as you finish chapters that turn into entire books, reward yourself along the way. For example, if chocolate is your thing, make sure you buy something indulgent and pop a piece in your mouth each time you sit down to read.
9. Make it a Habit
The best way to stick to something is to turn it into a habit. So, once you’ve determined your best time of day and your preferred location, place the whole process on auto-pilot and repeat.
Now you won’t have to stress when you get your reading in to keep this challenge alive. Instead, it’s built into your schedule like everything else on your to-do list (but this one’s just for you).
10. Make it a Ritual
Along with creating a reading habit, it may help to make a ritual around it. Before you read, take a moment to set up your comfy place. Have that little incentive – i.e., a piece of chocolate or steaming latte with your name misspelled on it – by your side. Whatever it is, from gathering up your pet on your lap to securing your noise-canceling headphones, do what works to set the reading mood, and chances are you’ll read longer and more often.
11. Be Accountable
This reading challenge is pretty laid-back and doesn’t offer much pressure. But adding a dash of accountability can keep you on track to reach your reading goals. Lucky for you, there are plenty of quick ways to go about it.
Doing this challenge with a friend or a group of friends, or an entire book club will surely hold you accountable to keep reading. Sign up together, decide on the same book or the reading goal, and check in with each other often (obviously in an encouraging manner).
If you prefer the individual accountability approach, try journaling your progress. Keep a list of the books you read. Or you can get crafty by creating and coloring a graph like when you were in elementary school to chart your progress. Add stickers – go wild!
12. Simple, Easy, and Fun for the Win
Most importantly, the best way to stick to a challenge is to keep it as simple and as easy as possible. Choose a reasonable goal and create a new reading habit.
Remember to have fun. You don’t have to have a degree in psychology to know that fun things are the very things we want to keep doing. So, enjoy your reading time to the fullest!
Final Thoughts on Reading Challenge Tips
So, there you have it – 12 tips for completing a reading challenge. Now you can make the 2022 Reading Challenge (or any reading challenge you decide to take on) a literary success. With a little advanced planning and the right mindset, you too can become a reading challenge ninja master! (Or, more likely, be able to brag that you read a lot of great books this year.) Even though doing a challenge is, well, challenging, these practical tips and psychological hacks can help you read more and declare reading challenge victory!
Bonus Tip for Declaring Reading Challenge Victory
Want to know the best way to complete a reading challenge successfully? Sign up for my weekly newsletter. Each month, you’ll have a fresh new booklist, and, every week, you get plenty of support through lots of fun tips and tidbits of inspiration. It’s FREE. It’s fun. It’s fantastic!